Grooms Office Environments Featured in Missouri State University COB Connection Magazine

We were thrilled to have our company featured in the Missouri State University COB (College of Business) Connection Magazine which highlighted the brand new Design Lab inside of Glass Hall for the Interior Design Program.

Alumna Audrey Garard, a 2003 graduate of Missouri State, played a key role in transforming an empty room in Glass Hall into a state-of-the-art interior design lab. Garard, who owns Grooms Office Environments with her husband, donated high-quality furniture and materials to create a modern, functional learning environment for students. The lab features a comprehensive sample library, advanced lighting, and custom-built shelves, making it a dynamic space for creativity and collaboration. This project highlights the strong connection between Missouri State alumni and the local design community, with many alumni contributing to the lab’s resources and design. Garard’s efforts have provided students with valuable tools and resources to enhance their learning experience.


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